Not hiding anything of its great complexity under a dial in tinted sapphire, the calibre HYSEK HW03A shows at 10 o’clock incredible one flying tourbillion, the fruit of the research of 'in-house' workshops, as well as a big date at 3 o'clock and an indicator for the 70 hours of power reserve.
As all exceptional objects requiring rare involvement, this outstanding instrument dives into the heart of the matter to extract the substance by playing the interest that can make mixtures of metals for complex coverings. Offered in a limited edition of 30 pieces, this reference of all superlatives to wear a bracelet adapted to its contemporary, has mobile horns in titanium allowing him to follow closely the curves of the wrist of its future owner. Abyss Tourbillion automatic, whom decoration was entirely handmade, states among the very few movements of its category available on the market.

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